Saturday, 13 October 2012

Good Causes

What do I consider to be a good cause?  Something that is going to make a difference on a macro level or something more local?  Or does it have to benefit me or someone I know? It's common knowledge that scoundrel/s inveigle their way into charities and good causes and let the side down. So why should I give of my time, my money, my energy, my anything? I'm only human and it's natural to be suspicious. Apparently we are all created equally and in the image of the Creator. From what I've observed, the behaviour exhibited by so many believers around the world, does not convince me to become a follower. Lead by example please. How are you helping? What are your good deeds? Are you helping yourself or those worse off than you?

Tonight was the 2nd time we went to an annual charity fundraiser run by volunteers.  It was for a church, held in a local hall, a very reasonable charge, food included and a quiz.  For the 2nd year our table came last! We had a great time and we could have done a lot better if we'd cheated but we behaved!  In the hall and even at our table there was a mix of people, religous practitioners, believers and non-believers, but all good people who wanted to help.  And did and had a good fun time.

Together our efforts are going to help others who really deserve it.  All of what is raised is going to be used to help and not a penny will be secreted away to line pockets. Imagine if this hard work and honest endeavour was going on everywhere around the world?  Back to the point of my being human, time is a gift and the most precious thing we have. When I've given it to anyone who never help themselves, it really irks me!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


The last few days have gone quickly. The weather, for this time of year, has been lovely. A bit cold but plenty of sunshine. My drive is starting to get coated by autumnal leaves; beautiful. Of course, weeks from now, I won't be humming the same tune. However, I am glad that I'm not in charge of seasonal changes.

I'm also glad that I'm not in charge of making major decisions  That doesn't mean I don't have views, opinions and tastes, I've just learnt to be cautious. Hence what I'm about to write now will be put mildly but it doesn't mean that it hasn't been thought over for some time.  I want to write about the young Pakistani teenager (girl) who was shot a few days ago for writing a blog, for being too westernised, but I won't because 'they' have sent out their threats and why would I want to make myself vulnerable?  I'm a mother and want no harm to come to my family. I am going to continue playing safe behind all the brave ones.

Am I wrong?  This world has male and female. The continuation of our species is with the involvement of both. Females give birth to males...women have given birth to the gun carriers. So why does it go wrong for women in certain parts of the world?  Why does the mother's son kill the mother? At what point do sweet little male babies/toddlers/teenagers turn into bullies with guns?  I have my thoughts but am not brave enough to put them down here.

Put away the guns and pick up forks and spades, start digging. Not to bury those that the guns have torn asunder, but to plant seeds. Grow food.

Friday, 5 October 2012

First proper blog, so here goes.

I have hard enough time writing in my notebook, it's always just 'not to hand' so how I fare, only time will tell.  If I'm careful and watch that nothing too personal escapes me then everything should be fine. After all, the written word is forever...and ever...ever....

About tonight. Chilling out has been done with 21 Jump Street - had to fast forward through it - didn't hold my attention. Decided to re-watch Misery. Wow. I'd forgotten the tension. A film for writers? Yes, most definitely.  Drive carefully you guys!