'Oh, hi.'
'Fancy seeing you back here!'
'Erm, yes...' Feelings of awkwardness expressed on the face. Perhaps by fiddling with the hair etc...
All of the above is not just me talking to me. It is life. Moments like them happen every day. For me, to be doing this today, I am experiencing a plethora of emotions. Anxiety being one because there is so much to do today, such as the lawn to mow because the past few days have been dry and the clouds are gathering. Relief is another, because I am going through another decision making disorder; where to start the new novel. All that aside, and referring back to the start of this post...if nothing is ever said to someone you haven't seen in a long time, and it is their fault, then why greet them at all? If it matters, vocalise it. Make it noticeable immediately in some way, otherwise the emotion will be absent. It makes an impact. Writing needs it. Life needs it.
I've never really thought about it but the word 'fancy' in the sentence means the speaker missed you...surely?
Was the last time I blogged really that long ago? Doesn't time fly. I love cliches but do try to avoid their usage by the narrators in my novels and short stories. However, out of the mouths of the characters it is a totally different kettle of fish.
So, where to lay the blame for my non activity on here? Where do I start? Hmm, first of all my trip to India actually, and finally happened. It had been on the cards for years. See below. Yes, I took that picture!
Last November, 2014, the month when I try and join the millions on NaNoWriMo, I accompanied my mother and sister and went back to the country of my birth. It was the first time since coming over to the UK in the 1960s, (a very, very, long time ago). It's all right I still got a good few years left in me. At least here's hoping because I've a lot of novels still to write.