Saturday, 1 June 2013

I have been working on the novel - honest!


Working on chapter 10 of Goods By Hand (may keep this title, who knows, not me, sometimes I change my mind just because I can), and when I have finished, half way house will have been reached. 

Yay....yippee....or whatever the modern term is.  They do keep changing don't they... 
(I love ellipsis).

Took a little time out last night to entertain friends.  The good news is that we are all still standing (or sitting at the moment to type this if I'm being honest) and nobody has been in touch to say they are moving abroad or changing their contact details.  So all is still well.  And the bonus is; the sun is out.  There is a song isn't there, The sun is out, the sky is blue, there's not a cloud....actually forget it, who in their right mind would invite the remainder?  However, it is a beautiful song and already I know I am going to remember it for the rest of the day.

Oh, well, back to food.

Starting with the nearest and dearest (have you checked out the price of rice recently?):
Boiled rice - every grain light, fluffy and separate.
Aubergine and potato curry.
Carrot, pea, potato and sweetcorn curry.
Chicken and green pepper curry.
Salad (barely touched - I wonder why?)
Spinach, onion, potato, aubergine pakora (none leftover - I wonder why?)

A good all round evening, with lots of intelligent conversation ranging from the personal to the political.  What better way to see in the weekend?

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