Or as they say, the devil's in the detail.
This is the first 'Hello' from me not just for 2016 but for any of
my blog posts. At least that's what I think. I may have mentioned my
memory and its decline before, (considerably faster when I'm not testing my
brain on a regular basis), and certainly I’ve noticed particular incidences in
recent months. As well as finding myself in front of the fridge and
wondering why, nowadays I assure friends I’ll send important
information or do something and forget!
Oh well. Yin and Yang. Pain and pleasure. The
positive side to it is that my friends are communicating with me more. It's a two-way street that requires trust, honesty, a code to be followed and where each gives. Relationships.
Similar to foreplay being crucial to a
satisfying outcome for both participants, a writer should deliver on the writing. Often the promotional media blurb promises so
much and delivers little. Is it not the
same as telling the lover/partner how you’re going to ignite their fire to orgasmic
fulfillment later, but instead when together all they’re given is a little kiss
prior to falling asleep?
Writers - readers buy the books because they’ve been seduced/teased but once they start reading, will their stirred
imaginations juices run?
Readers - sometimes writers struggle. It's as if the plot, the characters, the
research, all the tools are sharpened and ready to go, but they’re behind a locked door and the key is lost. But you can help because in your safe keeping is the spare key. It's name is feedback/review/praise.
Despite the output achieved for 2014 and 2015, it was low compared
to what I’d planned. No matter how I and
my friends chivvied, I considered my efforts a failure. This past week I’ve been proofreading another of my paperbacks, Devil’s Crochet. I’m glad I have. Sight is wonderful and looking upon the
‘hind’ of a beloved is wonderful too.
Therefore, hindsight can be very uplifting. :)

The fine sprinkling of white icing sugar contrasts with the dark of the chocolate, and therefore stimulates the senses and makes the mouth water. Not only does it light the fuse but you know the
promise of explosion and then delicious contentment is on its way.
As they say, ultimately it’s not about having the equipment, or the size of it that matters but knowing what to do with it.
If you had the idea and wrote the book, don’t just flaunt it. Improve it.
Make sure it will deliver what you, the author, promised. Unless of course, you’re up there with the classic greats
such as Virginia Wolf, Jane Austen, Isaac Asimov or Oscar Wilde, in which case go ahead and whip it out.
Welcome to my 2016. Full of promise?
fabulous first blog and quite agree, I am tempted as I look at the cover of the book, enticed by the burb on the back, I am usually fulfilled by the story but as you say sometimes dissappointed as the writer hasn't given the story their all !!
ReplyDeleteHi. Thank you for saying that. It is nice to know that I'm not alone. Hope you enjoy my future blogs too.