Thursday, 6 February 2020

Writer Aspiring To Be A Gardener

When I downsized, I had a tick list of what I wanted. As a writer of fiction, I pretty much was able to conceive getting everything my heart desired.

One of my ‘I would like’ was to have a smallish garden. And in that garden I would grow pretty flowers, plants and vegetables.

It wasn't to be. What I have is a back garden that is mostly flagged, badly, and very ugly. The above picture is of somebody else's. 

Another 'I would like' was a solid raised bed (to bend over without wrecking my back), in which to grow lots of yummy, healthy vegetables easily. However, this is England and it does rain a lot. And because costs have to be contained, compromise is the only way I could have the cake and eat it too. A brick construction was too expensive, so I opted for a wooden one. The price for a ton of soil was an unpleasant surprise too, but I was already committed.

I planted onions, potatoes, garlic, salad, and turnips. The onions were beautiful. The seven potatoes I pushed into the soil produced a very pleasing amount for a beginner. The mixed salad leaves grew faster than I could eat them. The garlic disappeared and caterpillars stripped my turnips of their leaves.

Lots of sun, wind, rain and months passed, and finally it was time to harvest. So I got out there with alacrity and returned inside with similar speed.

Woe is me, why is my soil crawling with black flies? I asked aloud.

The answer wasn't quite, 'Fear not my child,' but near enough. My digging on the internet resulted in reassurances such as, I had nothing really to worry about but I could treat the problem, or let nature take its course. I chose the latter.

It is now Spring and I have noticed that my raised bed's planks are not as sturdy as before and it wobbles, probably due to the amount of water in the soil etcetera. I am not going to think about having to scoop and tidy away a ton of soil if the thing collapses.

I wonder what 2020 has in store for this amateur gardener and writer of creative fiction? More of my Vicious Vignettes for definite. There's three collections so far. I love writing those because they're fun and perfect for everyday life. Or maybe I should just run away? But I haven't a clue where to and of course that isn't the end of the story.


  1. A fabulous true account of how life is, a very entertaining read x

    1. Thank you. I enjoyed writing about my garden and my exploits. :)

  2. This year will be a better year. I’m relying on it as I only had two courgettes last year having always heard of people having so many courgettes from a single plant they had no idea what to do with them all in previous years! Some lovely sweet peas in big pots would look lovely too- and smell divine! Happy gardening!

    1. This is so encouraging, thank you. I will do courgettes but not sure about peas. Maybe sweet peas? Oh, and runner beans. Lots of runner beans. :)
